Pieter-Jan Aerts
Practice area: Commercial / Commercial litigation
Pieter-Jan heads the Commercial Law team at EY Law in Belgium. Pieter-Jan started his career as a commercial lawyer in 2009 and he has extensive experience and knowledge in:- general and specific contract law, including agreements on sale/purchase, (commercial) lease, loan, service contracts, sui generis contracts and settlements;
- general commercial law;
- e-commerce and marketing (B2B and B2C);
- trade intermediaries (distribution and commercial agency agreements);
- pre-contractual obligations in commercial cooperation agreements;
- litigation and dispute resolution; and
Additional information
Pieter-Jan is a lawyer and member of the Brussels’ Bar since 2009. He holds a Master’s degree from the KU Leuven (2008), an LL.M. degree in Contract and Commercial Law from the University College London (2009) and a postgraduate degree in Corporate Management from the KU Leuven (2014). Prior to joining EY Law, he worked in the Commercial (Litigation) department of a leading international law firm. Pieter-Jan joined EY Law in August 2022 to head the Commercial Law team at EY Law.Publications and contributions
Pieter-Jan is the editor and (co-) author of the following books, contributions and articles:- P.J. AERTS, F. HOOGENDIJK en N. VANDEZANDE (eds.), Smart contracts: een overzicht vanuit juridisch perspectief, Antwerpen, Intersentia 2020, 403p.;
- P.J. AERTS, “Inleiding tot smart contracts (Wat is een smart contract, Verbintenisrechtelijke analyse en Geschillenbeslechting)”, in P.J AERTS, F. HOOGENDIJK en N. VANDEZANDE (eds.), Smart contracts: een overzicht vanuit juridisch perspectief, Antwerpen, Intersentia 2020, p. 57-127;
- P.J. AERTS en F. HOOGENDIJK, noot onder HvJ 20 december 2017, RW 2018, p. 75;
- P.J. AERTS, “Eerste beslissing van het Hof van Justitie inzake de kwalificatie van de activiteiten van de tussenpersoon in de platformeconomie (Uber)”, Actua Leges 2018;
- P.J. AERTS, “Uber en het Unierecht: Court of justice says no! Maar luidt deze beslissing het begin in van een veralgemeende vergunningsplicht?”, RABG 2018, p. 814;
- P.J. AERTS, “Uber is een transportdienst”, De Juristenkrant 2018 (afl. 361), p. 3;
- P.J. AERTS, "Uber en autodelen", in M.E. STORME en F. HELSEN (eds.), Innovatie en disruptie in het economisch recht, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2017, 217-276;
- P.J. AERTS, “Uber, episode IV: een nieuwe hoop”, De Juristenkrant (afl. 345) 2017, 4;
- CASAER & P.J. AERTS, " Facebookfoto’s en privacy: wie niet weg is, mag gezien worden", De Juristenkrant, (afl. 325) 2016, 3;
- P.J. AERTS, “Uber is taxidienst, vindt Brusselse stakingsrechter”, De Juristenkrant, (afl. 332) 2016, 5;
- P.J. AERTS, “Uber pop(s) and then it…stops”, De Juristenkrant (afl. 315) 2015, 5